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Hello, my name is Joanna

Once I was asked to have a conversation that didn't include my faith, my husband, or my kids. I promptly decided without those three things I, in my entirety, am caffeine

You see my family and my faith impacts everything I am. I work with special needs children/adults because I love them, yes, but also because I get it. I have special needs children, siblings, and understand what its like to have that one thing about yourself you can't change no matter how much you try, you will never be normal.  I also know how much God loves us all even if we are a little bit broken or needy.

I write because I love it, yes, but I also write because so many people don't know God.  One in four, current statistics say, have a disability. That is a lot of people who struggle to find inclusion in a church that wants to welcome them but does not know how. Those 26% also have families. Families who are not experiencing being welcomed to the banquet we see in Luke 14. They don't know the unfailing love of our savior. They don't know that He has a plan that is beautiful, and crazy, and complicated, but amazing. We can change that. 

God has given me this ministry and told me to teach other churches how to do this. That is why I have all these articles available on everything from disability ministry, to mental health. That is why I have written my two books. That is why I offer trainings for churches on how you can make the gospel accessible in your church! 

I would love to share my story and my calling with you. The beauty. The brokenness. The chaos. The celebration. Because it's not about me but God. It's about love, redemption, being the least of these, the broken, and the called. EVERYONE has a gifting that can edify the body of Christ, we need only help them find it. Let's make the gospel accessible - together.

Thanks for reaching out.

Praying God's Blessing over you!

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